New Horror Anime Series Arrives on Streaming This Month

 New Horror Anime

In August 1998, legendary horror manga creator Junji Ito released Uzumaki, a hauntingly eerie tale that has since become one of his most iconic works. Now, Toonami’s Adult Swim is joining forces with Production I.G. (USA) to bring a new horror anime adaptation of Uzumaki, which is set to premiere later this month.

Adult Swim recently featured this new horror anime on its official X (formerly Twitter) account, urging fans to “enter the spiral” ahead of its broadcast debut on Sept. 28, 2024, at 12:30 a.m. The following day, on Sept. 29, Max will begin streaming the first episode. Additionally, Adult Swim unveiled the official trailer for the new horror anime, showcasing its spine-chilling premise and unique manga-like visual style.

Adult Swim’s Toonami Unveils First New horror Anime Trailer for Junji Ito’s Uzumaki Anime

Junji Ito, often hailed as “the master” of horror manga, masterfully blends psychological and body horror in Uzumaki, which is now being adapted into a new horror anime. Set in the eerie town of Kurouzo-cho, the story follows Kirie, a young woman who witnesses strange spiral patterns beginning to appear.

Experts in the new horror anime are mystified, attributing the spirals to a “strange power.” Soon, these spirals start to affect the residents’ bodies in disturbing ways. The trailer for this new horror anime even features one of the most iconic images from the manga—a spiral around a woman’s eyeball, leaving it exposed.

The new horror anime is being produced under the guidance of Production I.G.’s U.S. branch, with animation by Studios Drive (To Your Eternity) and Akatsuki (Yu-No: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World). Directed by Hiroshi Nagahama (Revolutionary Girl Utena), the series features a script by Aki Itami (Flowers of Evil, Mushi-shi). Robbie Daymond (Jujutsu Kaisen) and Abby Trott (Junji Ito Maniac) lend their voices to the English dub, while Shinichiro Miki (Bleach) and Uki Satake (Mob Psycho 100) star in the Japanese version.

Junji Ito’s previous major anime adaptation, Junji Ito Maniac: Japanese Tales of the Macabre, premiered in January 2023, and now fans are excited for this new horror anime. The upcoming Uzumaki adaptation will debut on Adult Swim on Sept. 28, bringing a fresh wave of terrifying imagery to viewers.

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