Josh Radnor gets married in a ‘Snowy blizzard’

Josh Radnor aka Ted Mosby, the guy who gave us skyrocketed expectations regarding hopeless romantic love, the guy who is famously known for his ‘Blue French horn’, the guy who is the epitome of the famous quote, ‘If he wanted to he will’ is finally married. Yes, you heard it right, our very own Ted Mosby married his longtime girlfriend and clinical psychologist, Jordana Jacobs on 6th January. 

josh radnor - newzertainment
The New York times

Josh happily shared pictures of his recent snowy wedding, expressing gratitude to friends who attended and giving a special mention to the photographer. In a Ted Mosby-esque caption, he professed his great fortune in having his new bride, Jordana. Josh wrote, “I got married! Two weeks ago. In a *light* blizzard. It was an incredible overwhelming snowy bliss-filled weekend. ”He also added, “So grateful to so many people I love for making the trip to @thesistersofcedarlakes to be with us. To @forgedinthenorth for the extraordinary pictures,” he wrote the most Ted Mosby-ish caption for his wife, “But most of all to Jordana. I can’t believe my great good fortune that I get to call this extraordinary woman my wife.”

Josh Radnor’s fans react:

josh radnor's wedding

Fans had an amazing reaction to their post. Some channeled their inner Barney Stinson saying, “This marriage is gonna be Legen… wait for it…” Referencing his famous dialogue from the show, another fan wrote, “Kids, I’m gonna tell you an incredible story.” One fan just wanted to know, “I have to ask, did she have a yellow umbrella?” much like Ted’s wife in the show. “I bet he will tell his kids about this,” wrote another. GIFs of Robyn crying, Marshall looking on with pride and more were also left under the post

Ted Mosby aka Josh Radnor and his relationship advice:

Incase, you are living under a rock and aren’t aware who Josh Radnor is, he is famously known for his character of Ted Mosby in the popular TV show ‘How i Met your mother’ that channeled since 2005-2014. He will also be soon joining the cast of Grey Anatomy, playing the character of Meredith’s love interest. Now that our real Ted is finally married, lets have a look at the relationship lessons his character taught us in the show:

The Importance of Patience:

Ted’s journey to find his soulmate spanned years, teaching viewers the virtue of patience in matters of the heart. He often emphasized the idea that good things take time, encouraging the audience not to rush into relationships.

“Kids, you may think your only choices are to swallow your anger or throw it in someone’s face. But there’s a third option: You can just let it go, and only when you do that is it really gone and you can move forward.”

Embracing Change:

Ted faced numerous life changes, showcasing the inevitability of transformations. His adaptability demonstrated that embracing change is essential for personal growth and that life’s twists and turns can lead to unexpected, positive outcomes.

“You can’t cling to the past. Because no matter how tightly you hold on, it’s already gone.”

Learning from Mistakes:

Ted’s romantic missteps served as valuable lessons, emphasizing the importance of reflecting on and learning from one’s relationship mistakes. His experiences highlighted that growth often comes from acknowledging and understanding one’s flaws.

“I’m done living in the past. I’ve got to find happiness in the present.”

Friendship Matters:

The close friendship among Ted, Marshall, Lily, Barney, and Robin underscored the significance of supportive and enduring friendships. The series portrayed the idea that friends are a crucial part of one’s life journey.

“Love is the best thing we do.”

Pursuing Passion and Dreams:

Ted’s unwavering pursuit of his dream career in architecture and his quest for true love inspired viewers to follow their passions. His determination highlighted the importance of pursuing personal goals while maintaining a balance in life.

“You can ask the universe for signs all you want, but ultimately, we see what we want to see when we’re ready to see it.”

Letting Go:

Ted’s struggle to let go, especially in his relationship with Robin, demonstrated the difficulty of moving on. However, as the series progressed, he learned the importance of releasing the past to make room for new opportunities.

“If you’re not scared, then you’re not taking a chance. And if you’re not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing anyway?”

Being Honest with Yourself:

Ted’s moments of self-reflection underscored the importance of being honest with oneself. His character demonstrated that acknowledging personal flaws and working towards self-improvement are crucial aspects of personal growth.

“Sometimes we search for one thing but discover another.”

Value of Tradition:

Ted’s appreciation for romantic gestures and traditional values highlighted the significance of maintaining certain customs in relationships. The series portrayed the idea that blending traditional and modern values can contribute to a well-rounded relationship.

josh radnor's wedding tradition

“If you’re not scared, then you’re not taking a chance. If you’re not taking a chance, then what the hell are you doing anyway?

While How I Met Your Mother had its share of comedic moments and outlandish scenarios, these underlying life lessons, embodied by Ted Mosby, contributed to the show’s enduring appeal and relatability.

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